Common Data Source

It is an expectation, without having to remind anyone, that when a game of football is being played, the football rule is to be applied. When you play a game of basketball, or whichever game maybe, the relevant rule is to be applied accordingly.

Nobody would understand  or accept a basketball rule to be applied for a game of football. Confusion and chaos will rule if there is no rule at all in any game. For that matter, any new game that is being created must be accompanied with a realistic, fair and practical rule.

Thus, when a Pharmaceutical Company is to present its performance in a national or global arena, any measurement of its market performance must be measured against a universally agreed set of data.

For the Pharmaceutical Industry, IMS data is the globally accepted source of data information. The big global MNC Pharma boys recognise and use IMS Pharma Audits for sales and marketing analysis and planning.

In Malaysia, the private sector uses the IMS data whilst the various Government agencies have different set of data generated or referenced to some other sources.

Thus, it is heartening to note that, in Malaysia, there is now an understanding and acceptance, by all stakeholders in the Country, including the Government, to have a common data base, in this case IMS's, to measure the success of the Industry and PEMANDU's in driving the NKEA for Healthcare, EPP3. All stakeholders are now on the same wavelengths. They are now communicating, playing the same game and on the same playground.

The Government and IMS will soon collaborate in "data gathering and sharing". I am glad that I was able to initiate and play a role to drive this IMS data platform.

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