“The increase in healthcare cost is a global phenomenon and comparatively, Malaysia’s is still cheaper and this is why patients from other countries are seeking treatment here,” he said.
“Many things are beyond our control and the cost of healthcare will continue to rise for reasons like the cost of production and the use of more sophisticated technology,” Subramaniam added.
“If we want the latest technology, we have to pay for it,” he said after launching the Chennai Silk Palace saree store in Penang Street here yesterday.
However, Dr Subramaniam said the majority of Malaysians received subsidised healthcare with government hospitals treating about two million patients a year.
In response to his deputy Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya’s call for “special treatment” in the coming Budget due to the increase in administrative cost of health services, he said the ministry had always asked for more but so did other ministries.
“Normally, we receive about 7% to 10% increase each year. Maybe it will be about the same for next year’s Budget,” Subramaniam said.
“The ministry received RM22bil this year of which 60% went to the 230,000 workers’ salaries,” he said. “And the bill for medicine was about RM7bil.”
Source: theSTAR 16-09-2013
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