What would you do if you are the CEO of the Company? In the unfortunate event that you have such a disgruntled employee and the possible damage that he could do is real enough, I would recommend the following viz 1) your HR personnel to manage his departure professionally 2) In addition to the HR's effort, you should invite him personally for an exit interview thanking him for his time with the Company and wishing him the best as he departs. You should also listen sympathetically to him about his grouses, his unhappiness and disappointments in the Company, if any. However, you should not make any comment 3) You should also ensure that he is given all his departure monetary entitlements and benefits as per statutory requirement 4) if he is senior enough in the Company, you should have a small and informal farewell party for him within his department.
What is the objective of all these gestures? To send the message to the other employees that the Company values and appreciates all employees. It does not harbour any malice for any employee who leaves. This will also encourage and motivate the staying employees to continue to contribute to the Company. Secondly, by treating the disgruntled employee in such "respectable and nice"manner he will feel very burdened and ashamed should he want to "bad-mouth" the Company later. My take is that, he would not "bad-mouth" after all that you had done for him during the exit process. I believe every human being has a conscience that will govern a man's attitude, thinking and behaviour.
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