Moving forward ...

"Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backwards" ...this  statement is attributed to Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher, who lived in the 1800's

Indeed life must go on irrespective of the circumstances one is in - be it happy, joyful, sad, sorrowful, depression ... moving forward must be towards a better state that you are currently in or equal to the present positive situation, if not better, and not to remain in the negative depress environment ... one should not choose to be trapped in a negative environment refusing to move forward ...

When we are in the present, we often times, thought that we are doing well but it may not be so ... when we looked back later. Similarly, we thought we were not doing well but, when we looked back after we moved on, it was not that bad! 

Thus, whilst we are still full of life and energy, we must not fear to move forward. We must make decision, that is meaningful, wholesome, constructive, godly and contributory to the community and country whilst sustaining our respective lives and families.

There is a saying that "we resist to move forward because of fear". Is this true? Even it is, we must not focus on the "fear". Instead, we must look beyond "fear" and move forward, in good god fearing faith, to achieve the desire state of mind or success that we want to have. Without moving, we are "frozen in time and situation, dead" and there is "no hope or life in us" ... and this must not be so ...

Look beyond the "fear" and conquer it! When you looked backward later in life, you would have marvelled, and thankful, how much you had achieved in your life!

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