Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said as of January this year, orthopaedic services are provided in 43 hospitals under the Ministry of Health.
The present ratio is 1 orthopaedic per 41,000 populations and the ministry is encouraging the development of orthopaedic specialists and sub-specialists.
There are 600 qualified orthopaedic in Malaysia and annually there are about 40 surgeons trained through the Conjoint Board of Orthopedics leading to the degree of Masters in Orthopaedic surgery.
There is at least one orthopaedic surgeon in each state.
"Orthopaedic service has transformed since the establishment of the first orthopaedic unit at the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital in 1949. Now it has become a stand-alone department with sub-specialty unit," Subramaniam said.
This was disclosed during his opening remarks when officiating the 44th Malaysian Orthopaedic Association (MOA) annual general meeting on 30th May 2014.
Orthopaedic is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments.
/theSUNdaily 31-05-2014
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