Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S.Subramaniam said the master plans are needed to overcome patient congestions in wards by increasing the number of beds per population.
"It also has to be associated with the other infrastructure, such as equipment, other support facilities and the required workforce," he said when delivering his keynote address at the Asli Healthcare forum 2014 themed "Addressing the needs of changing citizenry" on 16th April 2014.
He said the Health Human Resource Master Plan, which is intended to to identify the projected workforce numbers required, will also include the training and education needs, and the career path in order to overcome current shortages and to meet the future needs of the country .
The Ministry is looking into the problem of overcrowding at government health facilities apart from reviewing treatment charges for foreign workers at public hospitals as per the decision made at the Economic Council Meeting.
Subramaniam also stressed that the Ministry is focusing on curative aspects and creating awareness on the need for Malaysians to take more responsibility for their health, especially with Malaysia now having the highest prevalence of non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors in the Asean region.
He said the current and next Malaysia plans will continue to focus on prevention and promotion of healthcare in efforts to reduce the exposure to NCD risk factors.
Source: theSUNdaily/16-04-2014
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