A quick flash went through my mind as I had the pleasure of knowing this employee over the years. He had worked himself up from the ground to a highly respected position of a Marketing Manager. He was trusted and was given much responsibility and opportunity to grow within the Company. A career path was also planned for him.
Lo and behold, one day, out from the blue, he threw a "bombshell" and tendered his resignation! My friend was aghast!

Whatever the reasons, even after trying to persuade him to change his mind, if he has to go, he goes.
As an employer, we must be ready and expect, even the best employee to leave as each individual will have his or her own reason to stay or leave. It is important and in the interest of the employer to retain the staff as well.
I believe even the "Best run Company" with all the "best perks in the world" will also have staff attrition. What the employer should continue to do is to provide a conducive work environment, good management practice and leadership, effective HR program with competitive packages, incentives and career opportunities etc. These are the very basic that all employers should have. Any additions will be value-add.
Employees will always "look outside" but we can minimise staff mobility. As an employer, we must also be "people sensitive" and must set aside time to "communicate" with the staff and allow staff to have their own "space" for expressions as well.
The good news is, Company will always continue to grow irrespective of staff movements. The critical factor that the leadership must have is its strong focus in its task and business supported by relevant structure and processes in place for business continuity and negative risk containment.
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