Dengue cases Unabated

The total number of dengue cases this year has reached an all-time high with 120,871 cases recorded as of Wednesday, December 2019 This averages out to about 331 new cases reported every day.
The previous high was recorded in 2015, with 120,836 cases.
In August, Deputy Health Minister Lee Boon Chye cautioned that the number could hit 150,000 by year-end.
The latest numbers were published on the iDengue website, which is run by the Health Ministry in collaboration with the National Space Agency.
The website, which is updated daily, noted that there have been 164 dengue-related deaths up to Nov 30, 2019 which had surpassed the 147 fatalities recorded in the whole of last year.
However, this is an improvement compared to the 336 deaths recorded in 2015.
The iDengue website provides information on hot spots, preventive measures and contact numbers of operation rooms in every state.
/theSTAR 05-12-2019

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