Building Pipeline: Leadership

Are leaders born? Can they be cultivated? Where do we get good leaders?

Great leaders are like rare commodity. They are hard to find. Even if they are found they "do not come cheap".

Thus many Companies have resorted to identify and develop individuals for leadership roles.

Obviously, it must start with the hiring process where the individuals are being identified through a set of assessments.

High Performance Leaders can be cultivated and produced through proper nurturing, growing, training and work exposures. Programs are developed for each individual, at each level, as every level demands different skill sets.

Basic process to build leaders are:

Leadership Assessment: from the existing talent pool within the organisation, potential individual can be assessed through his hard and soft skills which include, but not limited to, work achievements, capability & competency, aptitude and attitude, personality, internal drives, social interactive skills ...

Structured Programs: these are the learning and development Programs crafted for individual and teams.

Accelerated Learning: this is customised program for high potential individual to be quickly "grafted" into an operation for immediate to mid-term business development and growth. The Program content is on internship, with "hands-on day-to-day" job participation, one-to-one mentoring with a senior staff, assigned projects, relevant tailored knowledge and skill trainings ... This Program will normally have a time frame of 9 to 12 months.

In ensuring the success of leadership building, it is important that the total Organisation, is committed and with the right eco-system. This is not only from the Office of the CEO and the HR department but down to each individual in the Organisation. Rewards and Incentives must be tailored to the environment.

There must also be adequate resources allocated, not only monetary but also time, tools, talent, knowledge and skills to support and build strong leadership pipeline.


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