There is also a high possibility of healthy capital appreciation within 2 - 3 years in capital gain, a strengthened currency and handsome return from 'house rental" should there be a need to rent out the property.
In this instance, when I was in Singapore recently, I was told that house price in Singapore whether
landed, non-landed, private or public - across the board, prices of all properties seemed to have taken a hit with prices dipping, some sectors more than the others.
The trend points to a possible slowdown in the market due to governmental curbs and the increased number of new property launches over the past 2 years, the tighter loan restrictions such as shorter loan periods, lower debt-to-income limits and higher stamp duties.

There are 3 good reasons, maybe more, why it should be seriously considered viz: 1) Property prices will definitely rise again once the public and investors "recovered" from the Government's policy in curbing the spiralling property prices 2) capital appreciation over the next few years 3) for Malaysians, the likely appreciation of the SGD against the MYR. Obviously the caveat to this "rosy" picture is a peaceful society, stable Government and economy in Singapore.
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